D365 For Operations - Upgrade your existing build definition and how to blacklist models in deployment packages

U pdate: Since writing this post, Microsoft has updated their own documentation on how to achieve blacklisting models in the build. The article can be found here . The Dynamics 365 for Operations Wiki is a great place to gather information about new features and technical documentation for D365. For example, this page has information on what is new in each of the the Update package. Over the course of the periodic updates, the build definition has added several new features such as automatically updating version number of your models to match the build definitions version number, or allowing blacklisting of models in your deploy-able package (the scope of this post). This is an important new feature, especially for those projects who are utilizing the excellent unit testing framework in D365 (which you should be!). For example, you most certainly want your unit tests to be build and run as a part of your continuous integration strategy, but when it comes tim...